What if you were offered Paradise RIGHT NOW?


Tonight could be

If you donate only $100 on Laylat al-Qadr, that could give you the ajr for donating more than $3,000,000 in the sight of Allah!

the best days for sadaqah

The first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah are the best days in the year to give Sadaqah!ย Charity given in these 10 days are more beloved to Allah than on any other day of the year!

The Messenger of Allah ๏ทบ said:

โ€œThere are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days.โ€

[Ibn Majah 1799]

Can you afford to miss out on the immense reward for donating in these 10 days?!

ย These Speakers Have United for This Masjid! (Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON!)
The Prophet ๏ทบ said:
โ€œWhoever builds a Mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a similar house in
[Sahih Muslim, Book 4, Hadith 1085]
โ€œThe best of deeds is that which is done consistently ...โ€
[Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 5, Book 37, Hadith 4240]
The reward for donating to build a Masjid is a house in Jannah. But, do you know how great of an honor and reward it is for the one whoย BUILDS AND MAINTAINSย a Masjid?
The Prophet ๏ทบ said:
โ€œOn the Day of Judgment Allah will call out: โ€˜Where are My neighbors, where are My neighbors?โ€™ The Angels will say: โ€˜Our Lord! Who deserves to be your neighbor?โ€™ He will reply: โ€˜Where are the people who
maintain the Mosques?โ€™โ€
[Collected by Al-Harith ibn Abi Usamah in his Musnad (1/16), and authenticated by Sh. Al-Albani in his As-Silsilah as-Sahihah (2728)]
Imagine YOU being given the great honor of becoming one of
Is there any HONORย bigger than that? Is there any ACCOMPLISHMENT greater than that? Is there anything else you would rather want than that?
This reward is for the one who BUILDS AND MAINTAINSย the Mosques. If you become a monthly donor your donation will go to our ongoing Dawah, building this Masjid and maintaining it! You'll in sha Allah be creating the maximum impact and getting the maximum reward.
1. Get a house in Jannah for building this Masjid!
2. Get ongoing reward for Dawah that continuously reaches millions of people!
3. Attain the great honor of becoming a neighbor of Allah!
Get the Reward of Dawah That Reaches Millions!
Our Dawah through our social media platforms is giving our supporters the reward for reaching millions of video views and impressions!
Just the last year our supporters got the reward for organically reaching over 5.5 million video views with the message of Islam through YouTube! And they got the reward for over 10 million organic impressions resulting from our Dawah through Facebook!
Monthly we have around 400,000 views on YouTube and over 800,000 impressions on Facebook, organically!
From paid marketing we're reaching up to (and sometimes above) 4 million people, 2.5 million video views, and 14 million impressions a month!
In the last years, around 200 Norwegians have found Islam, and uncountable Muslims have come closer to Allah through our Dawah!
Now imagine YOU having the immense reward for this Dawah on your scale of good deeds!
This massive reach is only from what we are able to produce of Dawah-material and programs from our small office that we are renting.ย 
In sha Allah, with your contribution we aim towards establishing this Masjid & Dawah center, and really expand our Dawah so we can reach Norway on the ground, and many more millions through social media.
Do you want this reward on your scale?
The decision is now!
  • Praying and worshipping Allah.
  • Converting to Islam.
  • Coming closer to Allah.
  • Learning the Noble Quran and becoming Hafidhs of the Book of Allah.
  • Brought up with Islamic education from childhood.
  • Learning Arabic, the language of the Quran.
  • Studying the religion of Allah and becoming imams and leaders in our community.
  • Learning Dawah and calling people to Islam.
And it doesnโ€™t end here!
The Ajr of Dawah is not the type of reward that ends. Your reward will in sha Allah continue to be multiplied until the day you meet Allah. The good actions that will result from this center, will in sha Allah be taught and practiced for generations after generations.
The Messenger of Allah ๏ทบ said:ย 
โ€œHe who calls others to follow the Right Guidance will have a reward equal to the reward of those who follow himโ€ฆโ€
[Sahih Muslim Book 34, Hadith 6470]
Furthermore, Allah says (translation of its meaning):
โ€œThe example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.โ€
[Quran 2:261]
This means, not only will you get an ongoing reward for all that is mentioned above, you will also have that amount you gave, multiplied by up to 700 in return on the Day you meet Allah!
This is the best investment you can make!ย 
Giving for the sake of Allah helps attain Allah's protection from calamities.
The Prophet ๏ทบ said in regards to the solar eclipse:
โ€œWhen you see it, supplicate to Allah, say Allahu Akbar, pray, and give charity.โ€
[Sahih Al-Bukhari]
The great scholar Ibn Daqeeq Al-โ€˜Eed said:
โ€œThis hadeeth is evidence that charity is desirable when someone fears something in order to repel the misfortune that he fears.โ€
And it is also narrated that the Prophet ๏ทบ said:
โ€œBe quick to give charity, for indeed calamity is prevented by it.โ€
[At-Tabarani, Al-Mu'jam al-Awsat, 5643]
We ask Allah to protect you and your family from every harm, and to rid you of all hardships, and to give you the highest rank in Jannah where you accompany the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). Ameen!
Who Are We?
Islam Net was founded in 2008 and is a pioneering Muslim organization based in Oslo, the capital of Norway, in the heart of Scandinavia.

The organization is trusted by many renowned Duโ€™at and scholars of our time, having hosted esteemed figures such as Dr. Bilal Philips, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan, Dr. Yasir Qadhi, and Mohammed Hijab.

With a strong digital presence, Islam Net has amassed over 3 million followers on Facebook and 1.5 million on Instagram, making it one of the most influential Islamic organizations in the region.

The organization's mission is to establish mosques and Islamic institutions while providing Dawah, Tarbiyah, and Islamic education tailored to the needs of Muslims in the 21st century.

At its core, Islam Net seeks to inspire Muslims to strengthen their connection with Allah and warmly invites non-Muslims to explore the beauty of Islam.
Fahad Qureshi, Chairman of Islam Net
Fahad Qureshi, Chairman of Islam Net
ย Vegar is a Norwegian Muslim convert, and he wants to share a personal secret with you ...
The Masjid and COMMUNITY Center
The Muslim community of Norway is ma sha Allah flourishing. Our children and youth are our future! But we donโ€™t have Islamic schools or activity centers where our youngsters can nurture their love for Islam and develop their Muslim character and knowledge of their religion.
Thatโ€™s why we are establishing this Masjid and community center!

If YOU support this project YOU will in sha Allah have the reward for all the
Facilities & activities in the center!

The reward for all of this and so much more will in sha Allah be added to your scale of good deeds if you donate now!

Not sure?
"Donate NOW to Islam Net to become a part of the Islamic mission! Allah SWT promises ongoing rewards for every good act that is done by the help of your contribution. ... Your small act of charity will yield immeasurable rewards for you in the life to come."
Dr Zakir Naik
"Giving Dawah is one of the best good deeds a Muslim can do. ... This center, this Masjid, this educational institution, would act like a beacon of light, calling the Muslims in Norway back to the essence of Islam."
Shaykh Assim Alhakeem
Saudi Arabia
"Iโ€™m so happy and glad to hear that our brothers and sisters in Norway from Islam Net will be establishing an Islamic center... I urge you, encourage you, that you support your brothers and sisters from Islam Net and donate towards a great cause. "
Shaykh Shady Alsuleiman
"This beautiful project, itโ€™s about not just building a Masjid, itโ€™s a Tarbiyah center, itโ€™s a Dawah center. So, help with whatever you can. May Allah SWT reward you multiples!"
Shaykh Alaa Elsayed
The Progress
ย 2020
We signed the contract and paid the first installment to purchase a 2700 m2 building with its own 7560 m2 landย - Allahu Akbar!
ย  2021
Alhamdulillah, the last installment for the property was paid!
ย  2022
Alhamdulillah, weย refurbished the inside of the existing building. Walls were fixed, paintet and lots of improvements to the property was made!
ย  2023
Finally, we opened the Masjid for 5 daily prayers, Jummuah prayer, Qur'an classes, Duroos, lectures, Eid festivals, conferences and other activities - Alhamdulillah!
ย  2024
We built a youth center with various facilities to engage and inspire young people to stay connected to the Masjid. To ensure its safety, we installed security cameras and protective fencing, safeguarding it from Islamophobic attacks.

But our greatest achievement has been the establishment of a weekend school, where children finally can learn Islam in their native language โ€“ Alhamdulillah!
ย  2025
This year we are buildingย classrooms, the Masjid Mehrab, Mimbar and installing the prayer carpets.
ย  2026
We need to raise funds for the main construction project in order to expand the Masjid structure and rebuild it into a fully functioning mega Masjid, Dawah and community center!

This is how the Masjid will lookย when the construction is completed in a few years, in sha Allah!
With over 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide, the question is:Are you among those cherished by Allah, destined to help with the construction of this Mega Masjid and earn Paradise, Godwilling?
Islam Net is a tax-exempt registered charity in Norway.
Org. no. / VAT no.: 993 018 600.
Haavard Martinsens vei 5, 0978 Oslo, Norway.

All donations are processed using 3D secure payment processing, to ensure your privacy and prevent fraud, money laundering and terror financing in line with Norwegian laws for AML and KYC. Authentication is done through your bankโ€™s website using BankID or similar tools offered by your bank.

Copyright ยฉ Islam Net. All rights reserved.

For queries email us at [email protected]
To make a one time donation visit www.saveiman.com
Our offical website: www.islamnet.com